Breed Profile

The Pride of Portugal, Lusitano Horses
Long ago, horse breeds from all across Europe were known by the region where they were bred. The Lusitano takes its name from Lusitania, an Ancient Roman name for the region that is known today as Portugal.
Portuguese breeders are passionate horse people and known to be very good riders. Many farms have been owned by the same family for over a century, and some for as long as 400 years. They pass their horse knowledge on to their children.
Three Cs
Lusitano horses are cool, calm and courageous! In Portugal, the Lusitano passes the ultimate test of courage in the bull ring with “Bravura.” With its rider, these horses are trained to swerve quickly and keep calm when a charging bull approaches.
Did You Know?
80% of Lusitano horses are GRAY in color.
To learn more about these horses read part of our breed profile The Pride of Portugal from issue 87.